Solutions For Healthcare
HIPAA Compliant Background Checks, Drug Screening, Healthcare Sanctions, FBI Fingerprinting, and Clinical Rotation & Compliance TrackingAmerican Databank Specializes In Healthcare Industry Solutions
We will design a solution to meet your institution’s specific needs in order to properly place students or employees in a healthcare environment, taking into consideration any requirements enforced by the State or the Joint Commission (JCAHO) and Healthcare Facility Accreditation Program (HFAP).

Compliance & Immunization Electronic Tracking With Complio
Electronically tracks immunizations and background checks including, but not limited to:
- Healthcare Exclusion Monitor
- FBI Fingerprint Results
- Drug Screening Results
- Immunizations and requirements
Clinical Rotation Management
Complio organizes, tracks, communicates, and shares clinical requirements and information from one platform. It provides hospitals and clinical sites the tools to update requirements systematically. As a result, administrators have the confidence to successfully report on incoming applicants and instructors.
Assign students and instructors/preceptors to a rotation, informing supervisors of their scheduled location, days, and times. We understand how important the onboarding process can be. It introduces your agency’s culture and provides the information students and instructors need to feel engaged, successful, and connected to their clinical rotation. Complio’s clinical rotation feature will give your team the means to centralize and standardize how your clinical onboarding requirements are communicated, tracked, completed, and shared with you.
Benefits Of Using Complio
Customizable Website:
- American DataBank will create a custom Complio website for your applicants to utilize, unifying your institution and our program.
- Users and Administrators can generate Passport Reports which provides a snapshot of an applicant’s compliance.
- Administrators can produce detailed reports based on a category, item, overall compliance, or any combination thereof.
- Complío alows Administrators to filter, sort, customize, and quickly download reports based off their requirements and reporting needs.
Robust Rules Engine:
- Complio is designed for maximum flexibility to accomodate evolving and complex requirements all through one simple process.
- Communication with students and employees is imperative for successful compliance.
- We offer custom and detailed instructions per requirement, send automatic reminders when an item is nearing expiration, allow notes and communication messages between Administrators and User, and have a number of easily accessible short How-To videos.
Drug Screening Services
American DataBank has an extensive collection site network and multiple testing laboratories, including LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics.
We can customize Drug Screenings to fit your requirements.
Our Drug Screening Specialists rigorously monitor testing progres from collection through results reporting and are prepared to answer any questions you might have. We are actively involved in industry associations such as the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA) and the Substance Abuse Program Administrators Association (SAPAA).
Healthcare and Background Searches
Healthcare Exclusion Monitor
Similar to the “FACIS” search, Healthcare Exclusion Monitoring allows health-care clients to search multiple information sources within a single search:

Office of Inspector General (OIG)
OIG prohibits federal programs to cover an excluded individual’s salary, expenses or fringe benefits regardless of whether they provide direct patient care.
Description: Employers who hiring an excluded individual – knowingly or not – risk losing federal funding. Search the OIG Sanction Report to determine if an applicant is a sanctioned individual who is not permitted to work in healthcare settings
Use It To: Identify violators of Medicare and Medicaid, including Welfare fraud; perpetrators of patient abuse; healthcare fraud; controlled substance convictions; default on a student loan for study in a healthcare field and more.
Recommended For: applicants working in a healthcare or related environment. May be required for institutions receiving Federal, State, Joint Commission, or other grant.
Necessary Information: Applicant’s name, DOB and SSN.
Turnaround Time: Same Business Day
General Services Administration (GSA)
Employers who hire an individual who has violated the federal grant/incentive program risk loss of federal funding. Search of the GSA Excluded Parties List, which includes data from the Social Security Administration, Federal Trade Commission and other sources, to identify if an applicant is on the Excluded Parties List.
Use It To: Determine whether an individual is excluded from federal programming, funding and contracts.
Recommended For: applicants working in a healthcare or related environment. May be required for institutions receiving Federal, State, Joint Commission, or other grant.
Necessary Information: Applicant’s name, DOB and SSN.
Turnaround Time: Same Business Day
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
Obtain protection against hiring a known terrorist and subsequent negligent hiring liability by searching the OFAC lists. This search is conducted through the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury to identify if an applicant is listed on terrorist watch lists from around the world.
Use It To:
- Determine if an applicant is suspected of terrorist activities or association with terrorist organizations.
- Ensure compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
Recommended For: organizations wishing to conduct additional due diligence. Some governmental agencies require this search.
Necessary Information: Applicant’s name
Turnaround Time: Same Business Day
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Employers who hire an individual who has been disciplined or sanctioned by the FDA are exposed to negligent hiring/negligent retention liability. This search confirms that an applicant has never been disciplined or sanctioned by the FDA for the inappropriate use, manufacturing, or distribution of goods such as food, medication, or cosmetics.
Use It To: Comply with medical industry and healthcare programs that require applicants to undergo FDA clearance.
Recommended: If your company qualifies and requires FDA clearance
Necessary Information: Applicant’s name
Turnaround Time: Same Business Day
Ready to Get Started?
Call 1-800-267-8456 to request a demo of the Complio system. Need more information or have questions? Our friendly representatives are available to answer any questions you might have and help you determine which search package is right for you. Just give us a call! 1-800-267-8456.